
Showing posts from 2023

February Recap, March Reset

I was recently inspired by one of my favorite YouTubers  to do a monthly recap and reset. I don't know if I'll keep it up, but here's the first one at least, recapping February and looking ahead to March! Highlights -My mom, dad, and brother spent a weekend with us. They got to go to N's belt testing for her orange stripe in taekwondo and one of E's basketball games. -We had a Super Bowl party at our house! There were so many good friends, so much good food, the game was fantastic, and Rihanna...come on. When I was pregnant with my second child, I could barely stand up straight without vomiting or having an asthma attack. Riri is kinda making the rest of us look bad. Crochet projects I finished I didn't keep track in February, but I plan to do this going forward. This year, I decided that I'm not going to buy any new yarn until I use up my current stash, so it'll be interesting to see how much I can work through in a month. Books I finished Spare by Pri...