4-Month Update (Oops)

It's been exactly four months since my last post. Yikes. Well, here's a quick recap of some things that have been going on with us... Little E turned 2 in March, and we threw her an Uncle-Phil-themed birthday party. No, not the Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince ; I'm talking about my brother Phil, who is pretty much E's favorite person. We made decorations in red and black plaid (Phil's wardrobe color/pattern of choice) and cat-ear headbands, in honor of Phil's cat Kiki. The pièce de résistance , though, was the Kiki birthday cake made by yours truly. So, it's not a great likeness, but it was my first time ever making a cake like this, so I was pretty proud of myself. Also, don't tell E, but I really don't like cats, so I think this was quite the labor of love on my part. Just sayin'. Anyway, she loved her party, which was the most important thing. Tom was in Louisville for classes at the end of May/beginning of June, so it was just the kids...