Get Fit Friday: Eat Like a Kid

Starting out with a couple of celebrations today: 1) Worked out three times this week, in spite of having a nasty cold. 2) Ran on the treadmill for four whole minutes last Thursday! It might not sound like much to some of you, but this is a huge fitness milestone for me. It's been years since I was able to run for even one minute, let alone four. This is not simply due to being overweight; I've also had asthma for over two years now, so being able to run at all without having an asthma attack is a pretty big deal. There have been a few lowlights as well: 1) I'd made some good progress with losing the holiday pounds, but I'm up about half a pound from last week. Could be worse, I guess. 2) Ripped a hole in a pair of jeans I bought less than a month ago. It was a weird rip, too; not on the seam, but kind of started from the seam and went toward the middle. Ugh. I'd like to assume that they ripped because they just weren't very good quality, but it's h...