Get Fit Friday: Holiday Pounds

Sorry I've been MIA again. I was out of town for a bit, and getting back into a routine after a trip is always difficult...especially when you don't have much of an established routine to begin with. Just sayin'. I know it sounds obvious, but trying to get healthy during the holidays can be incredibly difficult. And it's not just the actual days of Thanksgiving and Christmas; there are also holiday parties and other get-togethers that seem to revolve around food. (I'm thankful that I no longer work in an office setting; it seems like the office break room is always a dangerous place around the holidays, with everyone leaving homemade treats lying around.) My birthday also happens to fall almost directly between those two holidays, so there's a lot of cake and going out to eat. Plus there's the fact that I pretty much never want to exercise when it's cold; I just want to sit on the couch wrapped up in a blanket with the space heater aimed directly at...