Get Fit Friday: Mini-Goals

Wow, I'm really killing it in the consistency department. I debuted Get Fit Friday three weeks ago and haven't posted since. Welp, there's a mini-goal for myself: to actually show up once a week for this thing. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving last week. We actually celebrated Thanksgiving twice (once with my family on Thursday and once with T's family on Saturday), and both times were wonderful. I didn't track my calories; instead, I just tried to be mindful of portion sizes. I wasn't even super careful about that, though, if I'm honest. There was quite a bit of "I'm on vacation, so calories don't matter" mentality going on with me, which at one point translated into eating leftover mashed potatoes at midnight while working on a crossword puzzle. As an aside, I think Mashed Potatoes at Midnight will be the title of my autobiography. My mother-in-law and I celebrated our birthdays together last weekend, which meant cake and...