The Noise

Around 9:30 on Monday morning, I started hearing a weird noise, kind of a high-pitched humming. My new-homeowner brain automatically assumed that it was something electrical, so I tried turning off the ceiling fan, but the noise was still there. The washer and dryer were also running, so I turned those off too...still there. I walked all around the house and determined that the noise was coming from somewhere in the living room. The only other thing I could think to check was the closet that houses our HVAC and water heater. I poked my head into the closet, but I couldn't really hear the noise from in there. The more I listened to it, the more I thought it sounded like it was coming from somewhere above my head. So I texted Tom saying, "There's a weird noise in the living room. I think it's coming from the attic." When Tom got home, he Googled it and tried a few different things, including switching off the circuit breaker for the living room, but nothing wor...