Who's Chicken Now?
I attempted a roast chicken for dinner tonight, maybe the fanciest-sounding thing I've ever cooked completely by myself. I had been thinking all week about how to prepare this little beauty, but I figured that, for my first time, the safest route would be to follow the instructions on the wrapper. First step: remove the neck and giblets. OK, easy enough. I had watched my mom prepare enough Thanksgiving turkeys to know that was no big deal. (You know, I always wondered about that, though. They cut the bird's neck off, put it inside the bird, and then tell you to take it out ? Weird.) So I cut the package open from the bottom, and... What...? They're loose?!?!!? The giblets were just sitting there, hanging out of the...well, bottom. So I picked up the whole thing, turned it upside down, and let them all fall out in big, squishy chunks. Gross! But wait a minute...where was the neck? It didn't fall out with the giblets, so I took a peek inside (wow, this poor chicken was v...